December 14-15, 2024

Presented jointly by the Global Center for Religious Research (GCRR) and the Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies at The University of Texas at Dallas, the conference organizing committee proudly announces the 2024 International eConference on Holocaust Studies. This multidisciplinary conference will bring together scholars, educators, and creators from all over the world to explore the complex and multifaceted relationships between technology, Holocaust memory, and human rights.

Conference Committee:

Dr. Nils Roemer

Dr. Nils Roemer
Director, Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies
Dean, Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology
The University of Texas at Dallas

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screenshot-2024-08-08-at-1.18.56PM.pngDr. Mehak Burza

Dr. Mehak Burza
Head, Global Holocaust and Religious Studies
Global Center for Religious Research

Cindy Seton-Rogers

Cindy Seton-Rogers
Academic and Outreach Events Manager
Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies
The University of Texas at Dallas

Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies at The University of Texas at Dallas
UT Dallas Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology